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NEW BEER || Tally-Ho! English IPA

October 18, 2021 3:00 pm - October 22, 2021 9:30 pm

6.5% abv traditional malt-forward & mildly bitter English-Style India Pale Ale.

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Traditional English IPA’s are far different in flavour and aroma than modern-day American IPA’s. NOTE: Don’t think of Tall-Ho! as a contemporary IPA, but rather a traditional take on the roots of the style that traversed the seas once upon a time.

Due to the malt-forward nature of English Ales, look for prominent notes of toasted malt and caramel sweetness from English Crystal Malt. Estery English yeast then adds a fruity complexity to that malt character. Expect earthy hop aromas & flavours, with a prominent and lingering bitterness due to water treatment to mimic Burton-On-Trent’s high sulfate water.

Take a trip across the pond with a pint of this education in English India Pale Ales!