39 Words (2023)
Dry-Hopped Amber Ale
The Women of VBC team up each year to create, design, and brew a brand new 39 Words recipe to celebrate Women’s Equality Day. And as August 26th just so happens to be Women’s Equality Day…we can’t think of a more perfect occasion for a release party to celebrate equality, inclusivity, beers for all, and cheers with all. Per tradition, the 2023 vintage of this beer will be packaged and released for Women’s Equality Day!
The Women of VBC design & brew a completely new recipe for 39 Words each year. The name 39 Words represents the number of words in the 19th Amendment, starting the process of guaranteeing women’s right to vote. The 2023 recipe (the fifth iteration of 39 Words) is a 5.0% abv dry-hopped Amber Ale (giving off some subtle Wrenish Rye vibes) and will be available in 16 oz. cans. This year’s theme: No Limits, No Exceptions.
Make sure August 26th is circled on that calendar…the annual 39 Words drop is not to be missed!
#NoLimits #NoExceptions #BeerPeoplePurpose #WomensEqualityDay