Broke Royals Radler
[aka, Local Support]
William & Mary alumni band Broke Royals — featuring Philip Basnight ’13, Rebecca Basnight ’14, & Colin Cross ’14 — will be playing at The Virginia Beer Company on 10-7-2022 in their third Royal Homecoming Concert!
The band will perform at 6:30 PM and 8:30 PM. In honor of their latest album [Local Support], VBC will be tapping a one-night-only “Local Support” beer to celebrate the event.
This Broke Royals Radler is a #wmHomecoming variant of Griffin Gold Tailgate Beer. This crisp & balanced Kölsch is blended with refreshing golden Lemonade to create a Broke Royals-inspired Radler, fit for a rollicking night rocking in a beer garden back in the ‘Burg.
“At William & Mary, the word Tribe is synonymous with community. It speaks to our shared commitment to each other and to our passion and pride for this venerable university and the beloved traditions that bring us together.” #GoTribe