Cellar Circus // Blend No. 006
Oak wine barrel-fermented Brett Farmhouse Ale blend, keg-conditioned and bottle-conditioned with Brettanomyces since April 2020
Recipe No. 006 in the Cellar Circus series was blended from two Red Wine barrels (3.5 and 2.5 years old, respectively) and one White Wine barrel (2 years old), some of our oldest barrels.
No. 006 is a blend of three different Brett Farmhouse Ales aged in Red & White Wine barrels between 24 and 42 months, and then bottle and keg conditioned with Brettanomyces Bruxellensis.
Complex aromas of subtle stone fruit, oak, and a touch of wine character. Restrained brett funk in the aroma comes forward in the flavor & finish, with continued notes of stone fruit and a slight touch of acidity.
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The Cellar Circus is an ongoing exploration of the infinite number of permutations possible as a result of purposeful, experimental barrel-fermentation and blending.
We hope you’ll enjoy peaking behind the curtain to learn about the juggling act of brewing with wild yeast and the many permutations of blending as much as our team has.