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Cold Case Label

Cold Case

Cold IPA

A clear-as-can-be Experimenal India Pale Ale fermented with Lager yeast!

Cold Case is the third in VBC’s series of Cold IPA releases, coming in hot this April. Brewed with sweet & aromatic Azacca (previously called ADHA-483) hops — cold-fermented with Lager yeast — and finished with a late dry-hop featuring YCH’s experimental HBC 586 hops (permanent name still under investigation…) to allow the hop-forward focus of the style to shine through.

Leaning towards the West Coast family of India Pale Ales. A medley of citrus fruit notes, with a light IPA bite. Featuring a Pilsner backbone with additions of Flaked Rice, which showcase a dry & crisp variant frosted with potent lupulin-forward characteristics that thaw directly into a refreshing, clean finish.

Vegan Friendly?
Flavor Profile
Dry Hops