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Funny Trees beer artwork

FT Mango Brett DIPA

Brett Double India Pale Ale brewed with Mango Purée

A Double IPA brewed with Citra Lupulin Powder and re-fermented on Mango purée, Funny Trees features a fruity and slightly funky fermentation character provided by Brettanomyces.

Brett is a species of wild yeast normally seen as a threat in the brewery, but we love the fruity and funky flavors it can produce when used with intention.

Blended with the flavor of mango and and potent Citra lupulin powder, then a healthy dry-hop with refreshing Citra + fruit-forward Mandarina hops. The result is a crisp, flavor-forward Double India Pale Ale less concerned with bitterness and more focused on pleasing the palate with a panoply of layers.

Vegan Friendly?
Flavor Profile
Other Ingredients