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🗓️ Saturday, February 8th: BEER DINNER @ Red's Table in Reston, VA!

CAN RELEASE | Please & Thank You West Coast Double IPA

December 6, 2023 3:00 pm - December 10, 2023 9:00 pm
Please & Thank You Can Mockup

8.0% abv West Coast-Style Double IPA

– Dear hazy IPA’s, you are the celery of India Pale Ales. Be hoppy, or be nothing. –

Please & Thank You is a an homage to the piney, resinous, West Coast Ales that helped launch the craft beer craze as we know it.

– Just give us all the Chinook and Citra you have. Wait…we worry what you heard was, ‘Give us a lot of Chinook and Citra.’ What we said was, give us all the Chinook and Citra you have. Do you understand? –

A West Coast-Style Double IPA, Please & Thank You features Centennial & Columbus hops, and L’il Sebastian’s weight in a dry-hop of piney Chinook and zestful Citra.

– We’re a simple brewery. We like resiny, hop-forward DIPA’s and breakfast food. –

Old school hop additions (with just enough West Coast bite) in a smooth, boozy 8.0% abv Double India Pale Ale. Pairs well with turf ‘n’ turf (aka, a 16-ounce T-bone and a 24-ounce porterhouse). Also, whiskey and a cigar. Preferably consumed at the same time.

– We regret nothing. The end. –