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🗓️ TUE, 2/11 | BLACK LAGER TAPPING 🗓️ WED, 2/12 | HALF PRICE FILLS 🗓️ THU, 2/13 | TRIVIA 🗓️ FRI, 2/14 | BILL'S BURGERS 🗓️ SAT, 2/15 | WAYPOST 🗓️ SUN, 2/16 | LIVE MUSIC


February 26 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Crowler Fills

We offer fills to-go seven days a week…but EVERY WEDNESDAY you can stock up for HALF THE PRICE! Every Wednesday, The Virginia Beer Company offers HALF PRICE FILLS for Growlers, Grunts, and 32 oz. Crowlers.

In addition to brand new Growlers & Grunts, we will also be happy to fill your Growlers from home…but we request that used Growlers be:

— empty,
— rinsed,
— and clean…

…before you bring them in. PRO TIP: store with the cap off after rinsing! Our team reserves the right not to fill any unclean vessels.

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Fill options include all four of The Virginia Beer Company’s flagship recipes along with a rotating selection of small batch offerings not available in cans or bottles. Current options updated daily on our website (link below)!

PRO TIP #2: Order your fills ahead online (link below) and enjoy plates from local food trucks on-site while you wait for your weekend fills!

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If ordering fills online for pickup, the price of the fill includes the cost of a new Growler ($8) or Crowler ($1). On Wednesday, use the code listed on our ordering website (WEDNESDAY) and the Half Price Fills deal will include 1/2 off the cost of the vessel AND half off the cost of the liquid!

🔗 Current Fills List:

🔗 Online Ordering: