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🗓️ TUE, 2/11 | BLACK LAGER TAPPING 🗓️ WED, 2/12 | HALF PRICE FILLS 🗓️ THU, 2/13 | TRIVIA 🗓️ FRI, 2/14 | BILL'S BURGERS 🗓️ SAT, 2/15 | WAYPOST 🗓️ SUN, 2/16 | LIVE MUSIC

Half Price Fills Night feat. Bill’s Burgers Food Truck

January 29 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Bill's Burgers Logo

…and not just burgers, but specialty sandwiches too! Williamsburg’s newest meals-on-wheels ~ Bill’s Burgers ~ is coming in hot for Industry Night on Monday and a bevy of burger-based pop-ups here in The EDGE District.

Burgers. Beers. Beautiful.