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VBC 2.0 | 9-30-2024 Yorktown Update

𝐕𝐁𝐂 𝟐.𝟎 π”π©ππšπ­πž! Last month we shared the exciting news that The Virginia Beer Company will be taking over the brewpub site planned for 7120 George Washington Memorial Hwy here in York County. Some of our team recently had the chance to spend a day at the new site, and we’re stoked to jump right into planning for the brewery’s second location.

In the coming weeks we’ll be working closely with York County & general contractors to kickstart the rest of the site buildout, and to start adding some personal touches to the project. Our team has their assignments and soon we’ll be working to commission the brewing equipment, curate the kitchen concept, and start work on finalizing the inside & outside bar plans.

As we get our next steps finalized, we’ll be sharing more buildout updates, layout concepts, menu ideas, & lots more! See current photos of the space here.

Stay tuned – more beers & cheers (& more!) coming soon!

VBC Yorktown Team Photo