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🗓️ TUE, 2/11 | BLACK LAGER TAPPING 🗓️ WED, 2/12 | HALF PRICE FILLS 🗓️ THU, 2/13 | TRIVIA 🗓️ FRI, 2/14 | BILL'S BURGERS 🗓️ SAT, 2/15 | WAYPOST 🗓️ SUN, 2/16 | LIVE MUSIC

VBC Overseas | A Virginia Beer Co. In London

The craft beer community is global, so we love nothing more than sharing beers & cheers from Williamsburg across the world. As such, we’re thrilled to announce VBC’s return to the UK this week!

After a brilliant beer fest back at BrewLDN in April, we’re heading to London from 5-11 August 2024! Catch us collaborating with Saint Monday Brewery in London for a tap takeover on 8 August starting at 5 pm…and then we’ll be spending the weekend (9-10 August) at the London Craft Beer Festival with pouring stations at both the Brewers Association & Hop the Pond fest stands.

You can also find us featured at The Cock Taven brewpub on 7 August, and at Mikkeller Bar London 9 August too!

Keep an 🎡 out for additional pop-up events across the pond this week too. Interested in carrying VBC in the UK? Hit up our mates from Hop The Pond to find our full portfolio of kegs & cans!

London called. We answered. See you soon! #VBCoverseas
VBC in the UK Logos