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VBC Supports Media Mentors

Last month we were proud to make a donation of $3500 to Media Mentors. This donation was made from proceeds from taproom sales of our version of Black Is Beautiful (with assists from our friends at Urban Hang Suite RVAPremium of Virginia – Richmond, and Cardinal Trading…doing their parts to share the message of justice & equality). But not one dollar could have been raised without every one of you who has supported this project of community outreach sparked by Weathered Souls Brewing Co. Thank you for engaging in this important conversation and helping us to support a community action group like Media Mentors through sales of this beer.

Just because our version of Black Is Beautiful is sold out does not mean the conversation or the need to continue supporting groups like Media Mentors ends. Last month we hosted Steve Prince, the Distinguished Artist in Residence at William & Mary‘s Muscarelle Museum of Art, who created one-of-a-kind art using Black Is Beautiful cans. They along with other pieces of Steve’s work will be auctioned off at a future date and the proceeds will go to Media Mentors.

We’re proud to support the #BlackIsBeautifulBeer initiative started by Weathered Souls. And we’re proud to support an organization like Media Mentors, who are doing their part to give a voice to the too often voiceless. We stand with our neighbors now and any time an under-served part of the community needs our support. And we hope you’ll continue to join us in doing your part to ensure we can all come together and stand as one.

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More information about Media Mentors can be found at: 

#OwnYourNarrative #BeerPeoplePurpose