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πŸ—“οΈ TUE, 2/11 | BLACK LAGER TAPPING πŸ—“οΈ WED, 2/12 | HALF PRICE FILLS πŸ—“οΈ THU, 2/13 | TRIVIA πŸ—“οΈ FRI, 2/14 | BILL'S BURGERS πŸ—“οΈ SAT, 2/15 | WAYPOST πŸ—“οΈ SUN, 2/16 | LIVE MUSIC


The below post is from Q2 2020. Please click here for our current COVID-19 policies!

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➑️ As Virginia continues to opearted in Phase 3, we want to reiterate that our focus continues to be on the health & safety of our staff and patrons. We wouldn’t be offering curbside, delivery, or on-premise services if we didn’t believe we didn’t provide an extraordinarily sanitary environment for all of us.

Full List of Best Practices:

As every business is different and every space unique, we want to confirm that nothing changes regarding your visits to 401 Second Street. Under Phase 3 guidelines, tables & groups must remain six feet apart. As such, we have already maximized our space for comfort and safe social distancing.

Please remember that to enter and move about the taproom (including to use the restrooms), and moving to & from you table anywhere throughout the brewery space, you must be wearing a mask, per state mandate. In addition to ordering & seating in the taproom — we also offer seating outside in the beer garden. But if you wander inside or around without a mask, our team (who will all be wearing masks) will have to remind you about that state ordered mandate.

We welcome all; families and leashed pups included. Please keep children with you at all times (to ensure social distancing measures are followed), and furry friends leashed at all times (for the safety & comfort of our other guests).

We appreciate a heads up if you plan to show up with a larger party so we can do our best to accommodate a space for your group accordingly. If we hit capacity at any point, we’ll have someone up front to provide updates about when new parties can enter the beer garden. As of 12/11/2020, groups are restricted to 10 people are less.

Until we wrap our ongoing renovations or new guidelines are provided we don’t expect any big changes to hours, set-up, or services. And we’ll continue to provide dedicated to-go & delivery options if you simply want to swing by to grab beers for you (or for a loved one, as the case may be).

Thank you for your continued partnership and support. Stay safe, be excellent to each other, and cheers from all of us here on Second Street!

Full List of Best Practices:

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